

又名:俺修羅 / 夾在我女友和青梅竹馬間的各種修羅場

主演:逢坂良太 田村由香里 赤崎千夏 金元寿子 茅野爱衣 


247 MB

对于高中生季堂锐太(逢坂良太 配音)来说,正确的时间里就应该做正确的事情,人人憧憬的恋爱简直是无稽之谈,学习和成绩才是重中之重。就是这样古板的男人,和青梅竹马春咲千和(赤崎千夏 配音)过着平静又充实的每一天。别看锐太如此正派,初中时的他确实个纯正的中二少年,病重的他甚至 会把自己的幻想写在笔记本上。没想到,就是这本笔记本,让他沦为了学院中公认的白富美夏川真凉(田村由加莉 配音)随意使唤的“奴隶”。   应真凉的“要求”,锐太成为了她的男朋友。至此之后,个性内向的“前女友”秋篠姬香(金元寿子 配音)和坦诚耿直的“未婚妻”冬海爱衣(茅野爱衣 配音)也接连出现在了锐太的身边。Eita Kido enters high school with the goal of graduating with marks high enough that he can earn a scholarship to medical school. With this goal in mind and the fact that his parents divorced, found other lovers and left him in the care of a relative, he shuns anything to do with romance or love. One day, the school beauty, Masuzu Natsukawa, invites him to walk home with her but he refuses. After several days he gives in and walks home with her. It turns out that Masuzu is tired of being the centre of attention and receiving confessions on a nearly-everyday basis, so she suggests that she and Eita become a fake couple. Although Eita tries to refuse, Masuzu blackmails him into becoming her boyfriend in name only. News of the new couple rapidly spreads throughout the school and Eita's childhood friend, Chiwa Harusaki, who likes him, begins to vie with Masuzu for Eita's affections.