表面看来,梅根(海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld 饰)是一位天真美丽的十六岁少女,可实际上,她的真实身份却是享誉全国的职业杀手。在本应该尽情挥洒青春光彩的年纪,梅根却同鲜血和枪支为伴,长久以来打打杀杀躲躲藏藏的漂泊生活,令梅根心生退意。   在大费周折伪造了自己的死亡现场后,拥有全新的名字和身份的梅根来到了梦寐以求的高中,在这里,她只是一位平凡的高中三年级女生,即将享受只属于她的高中生活。刚开始,一切看起来都是那么的美好,可渐渐地,为了保守秘密,梅根不得不制造了一个又一个谎言,与此同时,梅根那挥之不去的过往亦如影随形。

Megan Walsh has been training to be an international assassin for Hardman. However, while she is on a mission, she notices how other teenagers her age seem to be having fun and enjoying their lives. Desiring a normal life, she bails out of a mission and enrolls in a student exchange program, while in the process of being adopted by a foster family. She soon becomes a part of the high school and is subjected to the pressures and life of being in its environment.

题材挺好,不过剧情过于低幼了。喝杯白开水。中规中矩的青春校园片。没苏到点子上。Barely Lethal 刺客学妹(2015)。看多了大片你便失去了观影的本意。幕后组织少了份残酷,多了份温情。。下次来我大鸡国的高中来读书。

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