就读国中的女孩有栖川彻子(苍井优 配音),因父母离婚而转学来到了石之森学园。令她有些气闷的是,同学们皆以诡异的目光看她,甚至对她敬而远之。从同班同学睦美口中得知,彻子现在所坐的桌子,其前主人曾经陷入一起被称为“犹大及其四位妻子的杀人事件”。而那张桌子后面还有一张桌子,其主人荒井花(铃木杏 配音)长期旷课,花也恰恰是彻子现在的邻居。为了弄清杀人事件的真相,给自己起名“爱丽丝”的彻子壮着胆子进入花的家,进而得知了关于“犹大”的种种往事。   以此为契机,这两个性格有些古怪却灵巧可爱的女孩开始了她们伟大的友谊……

After her parents separate, 14 year-old Tetsuko (who will soon be nick-named Alice) moves with her mother to a new town in what she calls "The Boonies" and must enroll as a transfer student in a new middle school. She immediately finds herself bullied due being assigned the seat of "Judas" who is said to have been murdered over a year before. She is told that if anybody knows his fate it would be Hana, the recluse in the house next door, who has been unable to bring herself to attend class since "Judas" disappeared.

十年之后谢谢你。全世界最小的杀人事件。青春,就是藏在袖内的那片嫩肉。专访。片尾曲《fish in the pool》歌词。花とアリス殺人事件首映日观感。半部电影半部动画——《花与爱丽丝杀人事件》赏析。花与爱丽丝。FIFF16丨DAY3《花与爱丽丝杀人事件》:献给我伟大又平凡的青春。就像蜜蜂的一蜇,有些电影再也忘不掉。

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