“只因在人群中多看了你一眼,再也没能忘掉你容颜。”讲述男孩与男孩清新初恋的《爱,藏起来》,在刚结束的都灵同志电影节上获得最佳剧情片奖。电影讲述摩洛哥男孩伊布拉在西班牙已经生活三年,一直面临被遣返的压力。某晚在拥挤夜店的洗手间,他和西班牙少年拉法一个照面后竟久久无法忘怀。两人最终发展出一段难忘的初恋...   西班牙最新同影《爱,藏起来》与今年的地中海难民偷渡事件遥相呼应, 充满青春的荷尔蒙气息,打乱时间线的剪辑更有让人回味之处。

At the age of 14 the world around you changes at a dizzying speed. But what if actually it's you that changing? What if these changes take you away from what up until now, has been your world? Ibrahim and Rafa are going to suffer these changes for themselves, experiencing first love in a way they never could have imagined. And having to keep it Hidden away.


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