
In a peaceful little clearing, the remains of a picnic hastily abandoned spark warfare between two tribes of ants. A bold young ladybug finds himself caught in the middle of the battle. He befriends one of the black ants, Mandible, and helps him save the anthill from the assault of the terrible red ant warriors, led by the fearful Butor. A fantastic journey at ground level...

《昆虫总动员》:不确定未来的美。再评《昆虫总动员》:微小但不渺小。有种喜欢就是不想让别人知道。写给自己,一切还来得及。时而精细时而粗糙啊。微观小世界。影评:不动声色打动观众。妙趣横生的昆虫微观世界。耳目一新小世界 乏善可陈大电影。生命的轨迹就是这样代代轮回(严重剧透,慎入)。

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