黑人警探马库斯(马龙•韦恩斯 Marlon Wayans 饰)和凯文(肖恩•韦恩斯 Shawn Wayans 饰)在一次扫毒行动中假扮小店老板,准备抓拿前来的毒贩,但是由于没人支援,这一行动搞砸了。为了挽回在上司和同事面前的面子,这两个黑人警探决定挑战一项艰巨的任务:那就是伪装成富有的白人姐妹——威尔顿姐妹,亲身引诱企图绑架这两姐妹的穷凶极恶的绑匪现身。在涂上了厚厚的白粉,浓妆艳抹后,这两个黑人小伙摇身变成了性感漂亮的白人姐妹。于是,一连串爆笑惊险的场面上演了。

After an unsuccessful mission, FBI agents Kevin Copeland and Marcus Copeland fall in disgrace in the agency. They decide to swap their bad position with his superior Section Chief Elliott Gordon working undercover in an abduction case, disguised in the two spoiled white daughters of a tycoon, Brittany and Tiffany Wilson, getting in hilarious situations.


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