Pablo and Tina have complicated sexual lives. Pablo writes and directs plays and films; he's gay and deeply in love with Juan, a young man who won't reply to Pablo's affection or letters. Pablo's sibling Tina is a transsexual, angry at men, raising Ada, and trying to make it as an actress. Pablo takes up with Antonio, a youth who becomes jealous of Pablo's love for Juan. Antonio seeks out Juan, and violence leads to Pablo's grief and a temporary loss of memory. When memory returns, he learns that Antonio has taken up with Tina. In horror, he hurries to Tina's rescue and must face Antonio and his desire.

这个世界还会有谁像我这样爱你。1987,死于爱情。死于华年或存活至结局。西班牙语电影中的男性之爱。我想我是羡慕安东尼奥的。FIFF7 | DAY6《欲望法则》无人能逃脱欲望的泥潭。只关结局。肉身供奉。阿莫多瓦的浪漫。無法抗拒的打動。

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