不法的坏男人们小心了!城市新组建的非凡骚妞猎男别动队就要出发了。她们佩带着闪亮的徽章,像一群来自地狱的天使。你可别被她们美丽的曲线迷惑,她们是不顾一切,勇往直前的凶狠母兽。她们由骚劲最大的雷切尔 (JessicaDrake)带队,还有 克丽丝 (Carmen Hart), 芭比(Kristen Price), 玛丽亚(Exotica)……在城市中搜寻不法逃亡的男人们。从江湖骗子,到银行劫匪,还有小偷小摸,可要小心了,你要是被找到的话,嘿嘿,肯定会遭到惨无人道,全队一起来的违规内容,那叫一个惨啊。而且这些女人一旦盯上她们的猎物,是不达目的誓不罢休的,恐怖啊!

Four female bounty hunters/bail bonds agents live a life of danger and reckless abandon as they try to track down and arrest various criminals, thugs, bail jumpers and other dregs on the mean streets of Los Angeles as their way of life, while one seeks to get away from it all to search for a quiet life elsewhere.


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