Soaring adventure and high-flying heroism fill the skies in a thrilling new chapter of the Last Exile saga! Darting through the clouds atop sleek Vespa Vanships, Fam and her friend Giselle make their living as Sky Pirates. When the girls join forces with a princess who's trying to save her kingdom from the rampaging Ades Federation, they also undertake the mission of uniting humanity in peace.

中二拯救世界,嘴炮挽救人生。毫无风采的一部片。see you in the skies someday and Good tailwinds to you all!。如果说前作是一部厚重的史诗,那么本作就是一本儿童读物。。执拗的浪漫主义。胜在寓意。刷新我闹海中有关续作狗尾续貂这个定义的下限。。最终流放?。愿顺风与你同在。你若欲上青天,我愿化作双翼。。

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