1962年的中印战争,这部电影的主要情节关注一个小排的印度士兵在山区的拉达克死了但由上尉巴阿杜拉达克地区部落所救,辛格(Dharmendra)。 他们被要求退出后(chowky)作为中国包围他们。 上尉阁下辛格和他女朋友Almo(Priya Rajvansh)死抱着中国在海湾,这样他们的同志可以撤退到安全的地方。 但即使是撤退的士兵寡不敌众,放弃自己的生活。

Set against the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the film's main plot concerns a small platoon of Indian soldiers in the hilly terrain of Ladakh who are considered dead but are rescued by Ladakhi tribesmen and by Capt. Bahadur Singh (Dharmendra). They are asked to retreat from their post (chowky) as the Chinese have surrounded them. Capt. Bahadur Singh and his girlfriend Almo (Priya Rajvansh) die holding the Chinese at Bay so that their comrades can retreat to safety. But even the retreating soldiers are heavily outnumbered and give up their lives for the country.

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