莱·拉索-扬(《忽然七日》《诸事不顺》)将执导新片《太阳也是星星》(The Sun Is Also a Star),雅拉·莎希迪(《喜新不厌旧》《特工绍特》)主演。根据Nicola Yoon所著同名畅销小说改编,影片讲述生活在纽约的女孩Natasha在家庭被驱逐出境、回到家乡牙买加的前夕恋爱了,她的实用主义将面临挑战。Tracy Oliver(《嗨翻姐妹行》)改编剧本,华纳和米高梅联合出品,北美2019年5月17日上映。

Natasha is a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. She is not the type of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when her family is twelve hours away from being deported. Falling in love with him will not be her story. Daniel has always been the good son, the good student, living up to his parents' high expectations. Never a poet. Or a dreamer. But when he sees her, he forgets all that. Something about Natasha makes him think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store - for both of them. Every moment has brought them to this single moment. A million futures lie before them. Which one will come true?


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