松竹“作家主义”系列第六弹<铃木家的谎言>宣布将由新星・木竜麻生担任主演,木竜麻生今年除了这部作品之外,还将主演濑濑敬久导演话题映画<菊花与断头台>,共演东出昌大,木竜或将成为今年最佳新人的热门人选。   担任<恋人们>,<编舟记>,<濑户内海>等佳作副导演的野尻克己导演处女作,加瀬亮、岸部一徳、原日出子、岸本加世子等实力派组成豪华共演阵容,描写长子(加濑亮)死后家族再生的感动喜剧。   松竹“作家主义”已经送出了<恋人们>,<去看瀑布>等佳作映画,本片也颇受日本电影业界期待,今年年内公映。

Koichi is a son in the Suzuki family. He is a hikikomori ("recluse") and dies suddenly. The rest of Suzuki family, father Yukio, mother Yuko and daughter Fumi, fall into confusion. Especially the mother Yuko, who is shocked by her son's death, and loses her memory. Fumi lies to her mother and tells her "Koichi stopped being a hikikomori and now works in Argentina."


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