
类型:剧情  印度  1972 

主演:Ayan Banerjee Mahua Roy Chowdhury  

导演:Bibhutibhusan Mukhopadhyay 


年轻的拉希克·拉尔是一个臭名昭著的孩子,整个村庄,包括他的父亲,都厌倦了这个男孩。他爱上了“普里特维拉吉”(Prithviraj Chauhan)这个角色,他是一位伟大的战士,他(错误地且有些滑稽地)相信他曾与亚历山大大帝作战。并经常幻想自己是普里特维拉吉。有一天,他与同学安踏打架,被学校停学。他的父亲让他结婚,认为婚姻会给他的生活带来稳定和严肃。他娶了一位贵族巴布的女儿为妻,巴布唯一的愿望就是获得“莱巴哈杜尔”的头衔。拉希克在见到他的妻子阿玛拉后非常兴奋,因为她可以用英语读写和交谈。然而,这只是短暂的,拉希克又回到了他作为一个臭名昭著的孩子的鲁莽生活。他的岳父聘请了一位英国人来辅导他。然而,事态很快就失控,导致新郎和新娘的家庭之间产生裂痕。经过许多麻烦和困惑后,这对夫妇不仅团结一致,而且还建立了牢固的爱情和友谊纽带。

The story revolves around a mischievous teenager, Rasik, who is the only son of a wealthy landlord. One day, Rasik makes some misdeeds in school and gets suspended. He escapes from home but his father's mentor (gurudev) finds him and returns him home. Rasik's father then decides to marry him with the daughter of a zamindar, Amala. Rasik and amala got married. After their marriage, Amala's father develops some misconception about Rasik for his deeds and separates his daughter from him. But the young couple try hard to save their marriage and they succeed at the end.