
类型:喜剧  日本  2014 

主演:滨田岳 冈田将生 深田恭子 渡边大 



当今日本唯一一个居住在城堡里的家族日出家,守望着近在咫尺的琵琶湖,延续着他们长达一千多年的传奇。据说琵琶湖赋予了日出家和枣家某种神力,结果两个家族千百年来颤抖不休,一直企图将对方消灭。时至今日,日出家的远方亲戚凉介(冈田将生 饰)按照族规前往本家修行,他师从于藤宫涛子(贯地谷诗穗梨 饰),并且被迫穿上扎眼的红色制服陪同日出家号称拥有最强神力的少主淡十郎(滨田岳 饰)上学。在学校里,淡十郎遭遇不共戴天的枣家少主广海(渡边大 饰),二人颤抖不已,令夹在中间的凉介倍为痛苦。还算稀松平常的生活,谁知突然发生巨变,本应没有神力的校长不请自来,强迫日出家搬出城堡,否则…… 本片根据万城目学的同名原作改编。©豆瓣

Ryosuke Hinode moves in with relatives the Hinode family, located at Ishibashi Castle in Lake Biwa, as he enters high school. The Hinode family possesses a special power. Tanjuro s the heir of the Hinode family. He has eccentric tendencies and does odd things to Ryosuke like making him wear a red uniform to go to school. Tanjuro and Ryosuke attends the same high school. Due to an error, they both confront Hiromi Natsume, the first son in the Natsume family. The Hinode family and the Natsume family have been hostile with each other for 100 years.
