
类型:喜剧 爱情  韩国  2008 

主演:金柱赫 孙艺珍 朱相昱 



在别人眼里,仁雅(孙艺珍 饰)到目前为止的人生绝对都是完美的令人嫉妒。想法奇妙,又是狂热球迷的她却有一个大家公认的好好丈夫德勋(金柱赫 饰)来包容和宠溺。对于德勋而言,妻子是世界上最好的女人,拥有众多追求者的仁雅最后却选择了他,让他甘愿包揽所有的家务事,尊听妻子的话,给予她最大限度的自由。可这些无边无尽的包容却似乎还是抵不过妻子的好奇心。终于有一天,妻子颇为严肃的对德勋说,我想要再婚!听到这句话的德勋经历了从“愣住了”到反思自己的过程,最后不得不帮助妻子实现她的重婚计划……   本片改编自韩国第二届世界文学赏的获奖小说,上映后获得了多项大奖。

It all started with football. Deok-hoon falls in love with In-ah, who shares his love and passion for the sport. They quickly become lovers and he proposes. After her initial refusal, they are eventually happily married. Marriage is like a dream until one day In-ah declares her wish to marry another man. She doesn't want a divorce, as she truly loves Deok-hoon but she wants to be free to love another man at the same time. Even with Deok-hoon unable to handle being the third side of a triangle, In-ah marries her new man and sets up a bizarre, bigamous romance.

最好的事是梦见的人醒来时就在身边。茶壶和牙刷。嘉尔曼的灵魂在飞舞。一女嫁二夫,可能吗?。做作的民族惹人厌。从最初的无法接受,到逐渐爱上这部电影。。Let's talk about——sex!(长评,有剧透)。导演究竟想要表达什么理念。无论怎样解放思想,我还是无法理解!。十二年后仍然引发很多思考的好电影!。