
类型:剧情  丹麦   2014 

主演:米卡埃尔·佩斯布兰特 崔娜·蒂虹 比吉特·约尔特·索伦森 Sofus  



汤马斯(米克尔·佩斯勃兰特 Mikael Persbrandt 饰)是一位名声大噪的音乐人,在制作人的安排之下,他即将返回阔别已久的故乡,录制自己的最新专辑。然而,这个充满了回忆的地方对于汤马斯来说仅仅代表着痛苦,他宁愿将自己一个人关在房间里创作,也不想面对那他逃避了一辈子的过去。   最终,汤马斯还是回到了那个风景如画的北欧小镇,那里住着他许久没有联系的女儿茉莉(崔娜·蒂虹 Trine Dyrholm 饰),父女两人之间的感情早已经非常的淡漠。让汤马斯没有想到的是,自己做外公了,茉莉有了自己的孩子,一个活泼可爱的11岁男孩。当重新找回外公和父亲的身份后,汤马斯的内心会产生怎样的变化呢?

World famous singer-songwriter Thomas Jacob is based in Los Angeles. He is a very successful man who has burned a lot of bridges. He lives and breathes music and very little else. When Thomas travels back to Denmark to record a new album with his regular producer, Molly Moe, his grown-up daughter, Julie, shows up with his 11 year-old grandson, Noa, whom Thomas has never met. Soon - and much against his will - Thomas is forced to take care of Noa. Against all odds the two of them slowly begin to connect through music. Then disaster strikes forcing Thomas to realize, that he now has to make a choice that will change his life forever.

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