明星大侦探 第一季9.3

类型:真人秀  中国大陆  2016 

主演:何炅 撒贝宁 乔振宇 王鸥 吴映洁 白敬亭 大张伟 陈若轩 刘昊然  



Who's the Murderer is a Chinese variety program produced by Mango TV. No.of season 5 In a prologue, the cast is introduced to the settings and suspects of a murder case for the new episode. The cast then chooses their role in the episode, as a particular suspect or the detective. Other than the detective, each person is given detailed information about the suspect they are portraying including their personalities, alibi, relationship to the victim and other suspects, history, criminal motive, etc. Every suspect can conceal information until explicitly questioned by other suspects or the detective, but only the criminal can lie. The show was licensed by JTBC's Crime Scene.

关于撒贝宁。我眼中的王鸥。我眼中的吴映洁。跟着狄仁白学推理(一)【完结】。最近非常惊喜的综艺。明星大侦探。三到一。一本正经推理的“狗头侦探”。最近一年最爱的综艺。一口气看完 叫一个“烧脑烧的爽”。