
类型:动画  日本  2012 

主演:平田广明 大桥贤一郎 加藤将之 泽城美雪 田中真弓 长岛雄一 池田昌子 

导演:渡边步 京极尚彦 宍戸淳 德本善信 松村康弘 前园文夫 筑紫大介 原田孝宏 上田繁 山崎茂 有富兴二 朝木幸彦 浅见松雄 铃木吉男 岛崎奈奈子 钉宫洋 关晓子 镰田祐辅 土屋康郎 上原秀明 根岸宏树 富田浩章 中智仁 冈佳广 柴山智隆 清水久敏 江崎慎平 石井俊匡 铃木大司 


童年一次目击UFO的神奇经历,就此改变了南波兄弟的一生。2026年,弟弟日日人(KENN 配音)实现梦想,将随同NASA的同行一同登上梦寐以求的月球。与此同时,才华横溢且在汽车设计领域小有名气的工学博士哥哥六太(平田广明 配音)却因冲撞上司而被开除,更遭到全行业的封杀。倔强高傲的六太在求职道路上四处碰壁,情绪渐渐跌入谷底。就在这个关键时刻,弟弟当年的录音唤醒了他对“一同能上月球”的约定的记忆,六太重整旗鼓,参加选拔集训,与弟弟朝着童年的月球前进……   本片根据小山宙哉的同名原著改编,该片也于2012年被改编成真人电影版搬上银幕。

One evening two brothers see what appears to be a UFO in the sky. Whether or not that was the case becomes irrelevant, but it does spark an interest in space and the two brothers make a promise to go to space one day. Now, many years later, the younger brother Hibito is about to realize his dream, while the older brother Mutta just got fired from his job. After an aimless period in his life, his family helps re-ignite his fire and he becomes an applicant to the Japanese space agency in the hopes of making it up there some day.
