
类型:动画 恐怖  日本  2000 

主演:清水香里 浅川悠 浅野真由美 福山润 小林沙苗 能登麻美子 伊藤美纪  

导演:渡部高志 安田贤司 村田雅彦 佐藤雄三 米田光宏 矢吹勉 松浦锭平 熨斗谷充孝 


故事以一連串女高中生離奇死亡的事件開始,深陽學園2年C組的女學生宮下藤花原來隱藏著「Boogiepop Phantom」的第二重人格,行為奇異,究竟宮下是否這些死亡事件的主谋?   「Boogiepop Phantom」到底是都市中傳說的死神,還是正義的使者?

A light in the sky, followed by a strange aura and grisly murders. Each character tells their own connection to the event and to a similar murder spree 5 years ago. All of the different stories are slowly tied together by seemingly minute similarities and the story of Boogiepop is unraveled.
