
类型:爱情 奇幻  中国大陆  2017 

主演:张俪 锦荣 李子峰 李若彤 安悦溪 汪小敏 刘羽琦 李欣烨 韩志 李欣 



舞蹈家尚小蝶,为五年前离开的恋人编排了一支《蝶舞》,大获成功。受国外文化基金邀请去布达佩斯选角编舞。   小蝶在所有舞者中最看好自卑的白露,白露告诉小蝶,想要借助蝴蝶公墓找到失踪的姐姐。   小蝶还发现,基金继承人庄秋水就是自己五年前的恋人。但随着舞者宋优中毒、田巧坠楼、白露失踪,小蝶自己也受到威胁。一切谜团都指向了蝴蝶公墓……

The dancer Xiaodie Shang arranged a dance "butterfly" for her lover who left five years ago, the dance made a good score, and she was invited by foreign cultural fund to Budapest to casting choreography. Xiaodie thinks the most promising dancer is Lu Bai although she is the most self-abased dancer. Lu Bai told Xiaodie that, she wants to use the butterfly cemetery to find her missing sister. Xiaodie also found that the fund's successor Qiushui Zhuang is her five years ago lover. However with the dancer You Song poisoning, Qiao Tian falls, Lu Bai missing, herself was threatened, all the mysteries are pointing to the butterfly cemetery.

东施效颦 自掘坟墓。豆瓣应该开通负分点评。没错,这是部搞笑片!。低要求原著党的绝望。豆瓣应该开通负分点评。这里的道路十八弯。烂片。高志森这一派的都已经沦为烂片炮制者。还能更烂点儿吗。不好看!。