
类型:恐怖  阿根廷  2001 


导演:Pablo Parés Hernán Sáez 


外星人做病毒实验失败,大面积感染让地球的某个镇子的人变成了僵尸,为了消除影响,上面下令封锁小镇并把镇子里面的死刑犯全部放出。几个青年聚到了一起,同僵尸斗智斗勇,为了取得出镇的地图,更是冒着极大的风险与政府人员周旋...... 【译 魅影字幕组】

Three survivors of a zombie outbreak (caused by an alien virus) intercepted by the authorities and thrown straight back into the now quarantined town. The trio, an ex pro-wrestler named John West (Pablo Parés), medical student Bill (Pablo Parés), and a nerd called Max (Hernán Sáez), fend off the undead whilst trying to figure out a way to escape their predicament.