
类型:纪录片 传记  中国大陆  2016 

主演:余秀华 周金香 余文海 尹世平 



余秀华,一个农村女性,从小患有脑瘫,在2015年成为中国最有名的诗人。她写出《穿越大半个中国去睡你》,强烈的情感与欲望引人注目。20年前,余秀华的母亲将懵懂无知的她嫁给了一个比她大十几岁的陌生男人,这段形同陌路的婚姻成为她一生的疼痛和遗憾。余秀华写诗,试图与自己的命运对话,写残缺的身体,写她对真爱的渴望。随着余秀华的成名和经济上的独立,她想通过离婚来重新掌控自己的命运,结束这段没有爱的婚姻。然而她的老公强烈反对离婚,她的父母和儿子也并不支持她。更糟糕的是她的母亲被检查出患有肺癌,余秀华面对的阻力越来越大,她能实现自己的心愿吗?   该条目为纪录长片,有别于纪录短片《一个女诗人的意外走红》,标记前请知悉!- 豆瓣电影团队

When one of her poems is shared more than a million times on Chinese social media, Xiuhua Yu suddenly finds that she is famous. The contrast with her previous life could not be greater. Yu has lived and worked all her life on her parents' simple farm, and is disabled by cerebral palsy. Twenty years ago, her parents arranged for her to be married to a laborer who has no feelings for her. Fame brings her financial freedom: suddenly, Xiuhua Yu is able to think about a different future, freed from her husband. In this frank and intimate portrait, we follow her in the year of her breakthrough. Yu is painfully aware that for a woman with a disability, life will never be simple. However pragmatically she speaks about it, and however eloquently she writes about it, she still struggles to escape her physical and emotional chains.

吃了人家的奶,要认。。这片子根本配不上余秀华。摇摇晃晃的人间——各大新闻特稿对比。一部聚焦女性与爱的纪录片——多伦多首映《摇摇晃晃的人间》漫谈与导演访谈。片不如诗。直达人心的情感与技艺:《摇摇晃晃的人间》主创IDFA专访。窥见余秀华的轻佻与失重。余秀华的丈夫作为受害者 却为何没有得到一丝同情。人性至上,理解万岁——《摇摇晃晃的人生》观影感悟。疤痕。