
类型:爱情  日本  1977 

主演:小川亜佐美 村田守平 森川麻美 結城マミ 



就读于英吕西学园的美丽高中女孩日向美莎(小川亜佐美 饰)学习优秀,体育全能,她是女孩们崇拜欣羡的偶像,更是男孩们垂涎意淫的对象。尤其小男生吉泽忠男(松風敏勝 饰)和梅野良(石橋わたる 饰)更是连梦中都对她念念不忘。由于过于优秀,美莎难免受到外校女孩的欺负,在这一过程中,她得到了一个穿着邋遢、带着小猪的男孩的帮助。不久,这个名叫桂木龙(村国守平 饰)的男孩转来美莎的班级,他曾因强暴的罪名入狱服刑,重获自由的他不知悔改,反而将美莎定为他下一个狩猎的目标。 忠男和阿良以及美莎的朋友各尽全力保护他们的女神,而桂木有如一匹贪婪的恶狼,在猎物后面紧追不舍……©豆瓣

A shady male student transfers into a high school full of nubile young schoolgirls. He has his way with most of the female student body on his way to his real conquest--the sexy athletic star and class president, who is still a virgin. However, another male student--who is in love with the object of his rival's desire and also wants to take her virginity--hatches a plan of his own to take revenge upon his rival.