
类型:短片 奇幻  中国大陆  2016 

主演:徐志辉 余晓捷 



《厂工之爱情》这是一个俗套的爱情故事。用对传统的破坏致敬中国第一部默片《劳工之爱情》。一个女人对一个男人穷追不舍,致使男人与工厂的交流一次次被打断,女人是中国传统概念里的妖精,对男人的介入堪称恐怖袭击。而在粗暴的你追我赶里男人和女人产生了最高级的交流。本片为《结婚三部曲》的第三自然段。   2016 Cutting Edge Film Festival 实验单元

'Romance in Factory' is a story about ghost marriage in Chinese old tradition.It is also a cliche love story and a homage to the first silent film in China 'The Labours Love' by way of the destruction to tradition. A woman is so obsessed with a man that she interrupts the relations between him and the factory more than once, through which the woman and the man create a deepest communication. What women that are alluring in Chinese tradition interfere with men could be called as terrorist attack after all.