
类型:纪录片  比利时  2011 

主演:Yvan Beck 

导演:Manu Coeman 


自从二次世界大战之后,随着经济逐渐稳定,人类在饮食习惯方面有很大的改变。肉类的需求正以超乎常理的速度再增长中。美国玉米、大豆的产量;跨国食品工业对动物品种的控制与药物的使用,对肉类的生产有着推波助澜的力量。但随之而来的是一连串惊人的发现,污染的扩大、水资源匮乏、森林的消失、温室效应的产生…。这一部比利时公视所拍摄的纪录片,从欧洲、美洲到中国、印度,让我们看到一连串惊人的改变。地球上人口持续快速增长,预计2050年会有90亿人时,每年需要豢养的动物是360亿头,无论如何将是地球无法承受的。影片尝试带我们重新去思考这个与我们所有人都有关的问题。片名借用自猫王演唱的名曲温柔地爱我(Love me tender),入围 2011 年阿姆斯特丹影展 Green Screen Documentary 单元竞赛。

Meat production increases every year, but many people still have no idea what's on their plate or what it has taken to get it there. "We eat meat, but killing animals doesn't really happen," says philosopher Florence Burgat. She is one of the many experts who have their say in director Manu Coeman's fierce indictment of the industrialized meat industry. LoveMEATender is packed with facts and figures, particularly in the first half, presented through clear comparisons and playful animations. The objective is to demonstrate the consequences of our excessive meat consumption: for the animals, for the earth, but also for our own bodies. Even people with very tough skin will have to swallow hard when seeing some of Coeman's shots. Chicks that are chucked down a funnel with a thud, floundering cows at a slaughterhouse, geese having food violently forced down their throats. Yet at the same time, LoveMEATender isn't a pessimistic film. Coeman's approach is hopeful, and he also shows us how ...