舞台剧 第一季9.2

类型:剧情 喜剧  英国  2020 

主演:大卫·田纳特 麦克·辛 乔治娅·田纳特 西蒙·埃文斯 安娜·伦德伯格  



讲述一场即将上演的舞台剧受疫情影响而中止运作,在封闭期间,演员们也尽最大努力继续排练。   本剧的制作团队遵循政府关于新冠疫情的最新方针,采用了自拍和视频会议技术,以确保制作安全可靠。

David Tennant and Michael Sheen (playing themselves) were due to star in a production of 'Six Characters in Search of an Author' in the West End. The pandemic has put paid to that, but their director (Simon Evans - also playing himself) is determined not to let the opportunity pass him by. He knows how big a chance this is for him and turns his attention to cajoling his stars into rehearsing over the internet. All they need to do is read the first scene, but throughout the series they come up against a multitude of oppositional forces: distraction, boredom, home-schooling and their own egos.

Staged《舞台剧》。可能这就是爱吧。前置镜头前的英国舞台剧。影院关闭的这半年,你都在家干了点啥。扎实的基础才能造就及时的精品。Staged/May I moot an idea? #somelines。友情是怎样炼成的。腐国,不愧是你。Good Omen , stage ,an metaphor to pandemic zoom work at home.。疫情也打败不了戏剧人。