要想超越强大的父亲,刃牙可还得精进技巧。为此他踏进亚利桑那州立监狱,与恶名昭彰的囚犯「关不住的男人」一较高下。   9 月 30 日首播,Netflix 独家

After overcoming countless intense battles with powerful enemies, the time is finally ripe for Baki to face his father, Yujiro Hanma, who is said to be \"the strongest creature on Earth.\" Before this battle, Baki chooses Biscuit Oliva also known as Mr. Unchained as an appropriate sparring partner. Oliva is currently incarcerated in a prison called the \"Black Pentagon,\" home to only the most violent criminals. In order to fight Oliva, Baki gets himself imprisoned in the Black Pentagon. However, in addition to his desired sparring partner, a number of terrifying fighters also await him here.

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