成泽民子(米仓凉子 饰)是一位美丽的陪酒女郎,曾经,她幻想着自己能够成为一名出色的珠宝设计师,然而,在现实里,她却被瘫痪在床的丈夫彻底困住,为了照顾丈夫,民子单薄的肩膀上背负了家庭的全部责任,然而丈夫却常常因为民子特殊的职业而对她大发雷霆。   某日,一位名叫小泷(佐藤浩市 饰)的男子找到了民子,不仅赠送了她许多价值不菲的珠宝,还许下诺言,如果民子能够抛弃现有的一切,就可以实现她曾经的梦想。民子下了狠心,一把火烧掉了屋子烧死了丈夫,之后,在小泷的安排下,民子成为了黑帮老大鬼头(平干二朗饰 演)的情妇,从此开始了向食物链顶端的不断攀登。

Animal Trail, a natural path made by traffic of wild animals, can sometimes be helpful for people who are totally lost in the wilderness. One day, a woman who is exhausted with her hopeless life unexpectedly meets a gentleman by chance. Out of genuine hope to escape from her misery, she allows her destiny to blindly follow the mysterious instruction given by this stranger. Would this "Animal Trail" ultimately lead her to happiness, or would it lead her to disaster?


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