
Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl from his dreams who can travel across multiverses, to battle multiple threats, including other-universe versions of himself, which threaten to wipe out millions across the multiverse. They seek help from Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Wong and others.

让超级英雄恐怖片再次伟大。我只是想去有你在身边的宇宙。Multiverse of Madness,而不是反过来。[剧透预警]Reddit上的奇异博士meme。【奇异2】MCU猩红女巫的一次孽力回馈。导演在瞎搞啥。MCU史上刻画最饱满的悲剧人物成功立住了(有剧透)。从WANDA VISION看奇异2中女巫的逻辑悖论。多元宇宙中更好的自己。我爱他山羊胡子下的深邃、卑微和不完美。

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