
Fed up with the sexist and toxic status quo at her high school, a shy 16-year-old finds inspiration from her mother's rebellious past and anonymously publishes a zine that sparks a school-wide, coming-of-rage revolution.

女生要革命,哪怕从女厕所发传单开始,而不是女生节。爽片,又有何不可? “For girls everywhere!”。虽然故事在美高,但也太有代入感了。Women's stories are endless to tell。也许当下我们改变不了什么,但未来我们一定可以看见改变。。伟大的人民,造就伟大的国家。女孩子们,面对欺凌,要大胆说No。从三个人物看本片未探讨或浅尝辄止的3个边缘问题。这不是喊口号!而是叫醒你!。5 stars for normalizing women being angry。

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