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曾经意气风发的高志垒(徐峥 饰)在生活的重压下,中年“失速”偏离了原本的生活轨迹,一时意气用事的决定,让他瞬间从家人的“小骄傲”变成了社会的“边角料”。然而,他未曾料到,这仅是他“逆行人生”道路上的起点。接连不断的变故如疾风骤雨般袭来,迫使他不得不重新面对自我。当生活的 重担真正压肩,他选择成为一名外卖员,从新的起点重新出发,穿梭于都市大街小巷的高志垒在路上结识了一众志同道合的“骑士”伙伴,在共度的时光里他深切的体会到了人间的冷暖真情,逐渐在这条充满磨砺的“逆 行道”中找回曾经丢失的勇气与信念,重新定义人生新的方向。 本片根据清明原著《逆行人生》改编。
A moment of impulsiveness made Gao Zhilei (played by Xu Zheng) become a \"stay at home\", but he never expected that his life would \"go into the reverse direction\". A series of changes forced him to truly shoulder his responsibilities as the head of the family. When the burden of life really comes, he must face himself and start again.