

又名:童咒(港) / 黑百合公寓 / The Complex


主演:前田敦子 成宫宽贵 胜村政信 西田尚美 田中奏生 


3.00 GB


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在一座被称为黑百合的住宅区,老旧的设施和猩红的花朵散发着死亡的气息。美丽女孩二宫明日香(前田敦子 饰)随父母、弟弟乔迁于此。只是她并未感到太多的喜悦,隔壁筱崎老人(高桥昌也 饰)的房间时常发出不绝于耳的闹铃声和奇怪噪音,父母反复不变的怪异言辞也为她带来更多的不安。第三天,明日香意外发现筱崎老人早已死去多日,现场的惨状以及未能及时发现情况令这个善良的女孩内心承受巨大的压力。借此机缘,她结识了专事遗物清理的青年笹原忍(成宫宽贵 饰)。接二连三的诡异事件使得她不得不依靠笹原。   盘桓在小区长空多年的恐怖阴影,慢慢降临在明日香的身边……Nursing student Asuka (Atsuko Maeda) has just moved into an apartment complex with her parents and younger brother. On the first night in her new room, she is awoken by a strange scratching sound coming from the apartment of her neighbor, a reclusive old man who has refused all attempts at communication. Concerned over his well being, Asuka enters his home only to find him dead from malnutrition. Worse, it looks as if he had been trying to claw his way into her room. Asuka learns that there have been a number of strange deaths in the complex over the years from Shinobu (Hiroki Narimiya), the handyman cleaning up the old man's apartment. Even the girls at school whisper rumors of it being haunted. When the late night scratching returns, Asuka ventures back into her neighbor's home and comes face to face with an apparition of the old man! Panicked by the discovery of her apartment emptied and her family gone, Asuka seeks help from Shinobu, who brings in a spiritualist to exorcise Asuka of the evil surrounding her. However, as she delves into the girl's predicament, the spiritualist discovers that signs points not to the old man but to a small boy living in the complex with a past as tragic as the one Asuka herself lives in denial of.