米其林餐厅如日中天的当红大厨亚当·琼斯(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)因浪荡度日,毁了前程。然而受挫的他深信天分并未衰减,于是毅然回到伦敦,卷土重来,找来一群年轻厨师,开一家史无前例的超级餐厅重振雄风。

Chef Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) had it all - and lost it. A two-star Michelin rockstar with the bad habits to match, the former enfant terrible of the Paris restaurant scene did everything different every time out, and only ever cared about the thrill of creating explosions of taste. To land his own kitchen and that third elusive Michelin star though, he'll need the best of the best on his side, including the beautiful Helene (Sienna Miller).

you are a very lucky man。美食电影+半个励志电影。你的人生不一定有那么多托尼等你洗心革面。你上辈子一定是拯救了银河系。完美必然美好但完美主义在现实中其实并不是什么好事。完美主义的陷阱。烂泥为什么扶不上墙:你必须自己活过来。燃情主厨。平静自然反倒动人心弦。值得细看思考的一部。

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