
The Béliers are ordinary people: Rodolphe and Gigi are married, have two children and run their farm for a living. Ordinary people? Well, almost... since three of them, Dad, Mum and their son Quentin, are deaf. Which is not the case of the boy's big sister, Paula. And not only can she speak but her music teacher scouts her beautiful voice as well. He offers her to sit for the entrance exam of the Maîtrise de Radio France, a vocal elite choir in Paris. Her parents, who rely on her as their ears and mouth in the outside world, take the news badly. Paula, who hates the idea of betraying her parents and her brother, goes through a painful dilemma...

不是逃避,是飞翔。You've seen how it can rain while the sun shines?。Translation of "Je vole" from French to English。一部温暖又励志的电影。哭笑并存。贝利叶一家。幸福的一家人。离开是另一种陪伴。在法国电影中遇见中国式家庭。《贝利叶一家》搞笑一家人。

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