影片改编自美国作家谢莉尔·斯瑞德2012年的同名自传,讲述婚姻触礁,母亲去世,自己在绝望中生活多年之后,虽然毫无徒步经验,却独自一人踏上Pacific Crest Trail 远足之路,通过长途步行找回自我的故事。

With the dissolution of her marriage and the death of her mother, Cheryl Strayed has lost all hope. After years of reckless, destructive behavior, she makes a rash decision. With absolutely no experience, driven only by sheer determination, Cheryl hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone. Wild powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthen, and ultimately heals her.

算是惊喜,不错。真正的荒野其实是你的生活。强颜欢笑,此即真善美。旅行的终点是自己。单纯从原著来看这部片子。远足前连炉具说明书都不读的女人运气一般都会很差。玫瑰带刺 但是带刺的不都是玫瑰 · 2014年终小结。走吧,走吧,人总要学着自己长大。穿越太平洋山脊国家风景步道【旅行攻略】。勇气不是免于恐惧,而是恐惧在场,依然向前。

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