
Paul is a sweet man-child, raised - and smothered - by his two eccentric aunts in Paris since the death of his parents when he was a toddler. Now thirty-three, he still does not speak. (He does express himself through colorful suits that would challenge any Wes Anderson character in nerd chic.) Paul's aunts have only one dream for him: to win piano competitions. Although Paul practices dutifully, he remains unfulfilled until he submits to the interventions of his upstairs neighbor. Suitably named after the novelist, Madame Proust offers Paul a concoction that unlocks repressed memories from his childhood and awakens the most delightful of fantasies.

乔迈的真人童话。不变的赤子之心。温暖之下,暗黑无边。一部治愈系童话绘本。Love, and be loved。法國大廚。声梦奇遇。乔迈,你究竟有几个好姑姑?。疯狂的约会!乔迈再次向塔蒂致敬,这次还带上巴斯特·基顿!。记忆永远不会欺骗自己。

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