本片耗资不到2000万美元,是世界第一部黑白3D动画。   2054年,巴黎城最大公司阿瓦隆公可以承诺你永恒的青春年少和不变的美丽容颜。阿瓦隆最有前途的科学家——22岁的伊昂娜突然遭到绑架,公司雇佣了巴黎警探卡拉斯去寻找。卡拉斯发现自己并不是唯一一个在寻找伊昂娜的人,而证人总是先一步被人灭口了事。   原来:孤儿姊妹花伊昂娜和碧丝莲都是被人从战火纷飞的高加索地区拯救出来的,两人的命运却大相径庭:师承伟大遗传学家乔纳斯•穆勒的伊昂娜最终选择了阿瓦隆,终日沉浸在工作中;碧丝莲沦落为黑道;伊昂娜的老师穆勒为了改变城市底层的贫穷而放弃了自己的远大前程;失踪前的伊昂娜似乎参与了一个叫做“复兴草案”的神秘计划……   为了找到伊昂娜并解开她失踪的秘密,卡拉斯在公司间谍,黑帮份子和遗传专家中小心周旋,却不知当真正的答案被揭晓后,这个世界面对的将是救赎还是毁灭……

Paris, 2054: a dark motion-captured world of shadows and right angles. Ilona Tasuiev, a brilliant young scientist, is kidnapped, and her employer, Avalon, a major health and beauty corporation, wants her found. Karas, a jaded police captain, is assigned to find her, fast. He seeks help from her sister, Bislane, and they are soon uncovering identify theft, missing files, and hints that something back in 2006 may explain what's going on. Ilona's mentor, Avalon's vice president, a Japanese researcher, an underworld boss, and Bislane's drug connection all figure in the mix. So does an attraction between Karas and Bislane. What's behind the kidnapping? Who's the victim?


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