为迎接即将到来的田径大赛而集中特训的18岁少女、和相伴一生的妻子共庆生日的73岁老人、与所爱的女友举行隆重婚礼的新郎。三个在各自圈子里过着平凡生活的陌生人,却在同一晚同一时刻死亡。他们的死状恐怖,死因蹊跷,并且都在临终前留下“绿猴子”的神秘语句。起初这三起案件被认定为普通的自杀事件,但资深刑警樱井孝典(宇津井健 饰)则认定其中必有玄机,他找到对催眠颇有研究的心理学教授嵯峨敏也(稲垣吾郎 饰)协助调查。   经过一段时间的调查,樱井他们偶然将疑点锁定在某电视催眠节目上,与此同时,各种蹊跷死亡案件仍在不断发生,案情紧迫。患有人格分裂的少女入绘由香(菅野美穂 饰),成为了走有案件走向的重要人物……

Three apparently unrelated suicides occur on the same day in Tokyo. One involves a young athlete, one a groom at his wedding reception, and the third an elderly man celebrating his wife's birthday. A middle aged detective investigating one of the cases begins to suspect a connection between the three when he discovers that each person mentioned a "green monkey" before they died. With the help of a young psychiatrist he formulates the theory that hypnosis is somehow involved. In the mean time other bizarre "suicides" are reported and the mystery intensifies. Who will be next? What is the truth? Can more deaths be prevented?

《催眠》:一本出色的心理小说和一部俗滥的恐怖片。你催眠自己,葬送了我的终身相守。。七年前写的影评,献给《催眠》。《催眠》:每个人心里都有一只绿猴子。精彩的心理惊怵片。最喜欢的日本电影《催眠》 顺带提提其它。很失望。《催眠术》。少女时代看的最后一部恐怖片。不要宿命。

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