丹波是马戏团的一只小象,因为样貌与众不同——它长着蓝色的眼睛和一双大得出奇的耳朵——而遭到大家都取笑。有一天,一个淘气的男孩子甚至作弄了丹波,象妈妈十分生气,就教训了他一顿,因此被马戏团老板关进了笼子。为了在马戏团立足,救出妈妈,丹波必须马上学会一门拿手绝活。四出学艺的 它却又四处碰壁,心灰意冷之际全靠好朋友老鼠帝莫给了它鼓励和温暖。一次意外,丹波掉进了一个大酒桶内被灌得酩酊大醉,却因此意外发现了自己的拿手绝活。

The stork delivers a baby elephant to Mrs. Jumbo, veteran of the circus, but the newborn is ridiculed because of his truly enormous ears and dubbed "Dumbo". After being separated from his mother, Dumbo is relegated to the circus' clown acts; it is up to his only friend, a mouse, to assist Dumbo to achieve his full potential.


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