This is the first chapter of Jin Yong (Louis Cha)'s famous trilogy which also includes "Return of the Condor Heroes" (Shen Diao Xia Lu) and "Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre" (Yi Tian Tu Long Ji). Legend of the Condor Heroes (She Diao Ying Xiong Zhuan/Sia Tiauw Eng Hiong) is a story that deals with a lot of issues but mostly concerned with the adventure of Kwok Jing and Wong Yung, the two people who ended up creating the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre which would become the major issue in "Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre". Kwok Jing, the hero of the story, is an honest, loyal, and brave man even if he is a slow learner and not very clever. Because of his kindness, however, he is often manipulated by many people, especially by his Godbrother, Yeung Hong . On the other hand, Kwok Jing's travelling companion, Wong Yung, is a beautiful and clever girl who can easily tell if a person is out to take advantage of Kwok Jing's kindness. Wong Yung, however, has her own personality flaws. She was at first a spoiled, selfish, and rude person, concerned only for herself and those that she cares for (ie. Kwok Jing). However, as she spends more time travelling with Kwok Jing, she starts to slowly becoming a better person and in the end decided to help Kwok Jing in his mission to defend the Han Dynasty from the invasion of the Mongolia.

她不是黄蓉。缺点就是太经典。悲情父子:杨康和完颜洪烈。郭靖其实一点儿也不傻。人生若只初相见。又见穆念慈。会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼——黄日华。经典。射雕英雄传。电视剧经典形象之一 ——黄版郭靖翁版黄蓉+ 苗版杨康。

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