刚刚经历了一段失败感情的卡莉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)决定换一个生活环境开始新的生活,于是,她入住了“碎片”大厦。果不其然,没过多久,卡莉就在此处结识了两个风流倜傥的男人杰克(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)和泽克(威廉·鲍德温 William Baldwin 饰),通过这两个男人之口,卡莉发现了一个惊人的秘密,自己租住的房子的原房客系自杀身亡,而熟知此事的邻居也在不久之后于建筑内被害。   在和泽克深入交往之后,卡莉发现他竟然就是这幢公寓的主人,而在公寓的角角落落里,布满了泽克设置的,用于满足他偷窥癖好的摄像头。一时间,杀害两名死者的凶手的嫌疑落在了泽克的身上,然而,这一切到底是假象还是事实?卡莉也无法判断。

Carly Norris is a book editor living in New York City who moves into the Sliver apartment building. In the apartment building, Carly meets two of her new neighbors, author Jack Lansford who writes thriller novels and Zeke Hawkins, the handsome owner of the apartment building. Carly finds that some of the women living in the apartment building have been murdered and the police suspect that there is a serial killer in the apartment building. Carly has a passionate and seductive love affair with Zeke, unaware Zeke has secretly wired the apartment building with hidden cameras and he has been watching the lives of each tenant living in the apartment building including Carly. Carly begins to suspect Zeke or Jack may be the serial killer responsible for the murders in the apartment building and she may be the killer's next victim.

《偷窥》:偷窥是人性,有时也是病。【看电影】《sliver》偷窥:悬疑不敌香艳。人人都爱莎朗斯通。明明是个悬疑故事,却讲得这么色情,这部电影实在是香艳!。所见即所得还是狸猫换太子。没有了香艳画面,还有什么可看?。偷窥是每个人的本性。《偷窥》:内心的窥视欲望。Lust & Rational。每个人内心都有阴暗角落。

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