故事发生在抗日战争时期,大顺店(史可 饰)是土匪窝里唯一的一个女人,在这里有一个规矩,就是所有杀了日本鬼子的男人,都可以和大顺店发生关系作为奖励,因此,大顺店几乎夜夜都要应付那些贪婪而又下流的土匪们。   一天,一个名叫张娃的男人带着他的老婆经过土匪帮,土匪们劝说张娃归顺,土匪头子马王爷还强暴了张娃的老婆,导致悲愤交加的女人选择了自杀。大顺店伺机杀死了马王爷,并将自己悲惨的身世告诉了张娃,张娃非常同情大顺店的遭遇,于是决定留在这里。随着时间的推移,张娃渐渐的对大顺店产生了感情。

A girl living in a small Chinese village steals a Japanese flag, without much thought, to make herself an outfit. After finding out, the Japanese soldiers massacre the villagers and rape the girl. Amidst all the chaos, the girl escapes deep into the mountains. There, she meets a group of bandits. And when she grows up, she becomes the leader of this group. She falls in love with a farmer that the bandits capture, but the love doesn't work out. After this accident, she starts reminiscing about her love and everyday life.

故事本来可以拍成神片的……。只是简单一说。《大顺店》:战争中的中国女人。大顺店 生活的原色。

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