讲述的是男主人公民秀失业之后又接到女友的分手通报,迫于生活而开始偷车赚钱,   电影海报   电影海报   之后失手杀死了人而感受到杀戮的快感,于是开始了杀人偷车卖车的犯罪之路,变成前一直是客串出演电影,这次首次升格做主演。海报上他饰演的男主人公展现了冰冷了一个疯狂的杀人惯犯。全宰洪导演同时担任了导演、制作、剧本和摄影,金范俊之的眼神,似乎捏住了什么人的脖子要将其置之死地。海报上还写着“我不是说过了么,我是天生的……”展现了主人公对于自己变成杀人魔的坦然心理。

Min-soo has lost his job to a very awkward moment. His fiancé is planning to built her own café with his help. Min-soo searches everywhere but all his efforts are unsuccessfully. Therefore his soon to be brother-in-law is able to help. He recruits Min-soo for the organization he is working for. As a mechanic, Min-soo starts to steal cars, which he is doing very successfully. But on one evening, he gets enraged and kills a man. But Min-soo isn't shocked or sad, he is getting curios and starts to enjoy violence and murder. Finally, his fiancé learns about his unemployment and threatens to leave. She doesn't know about Min-soo's dark side, which is now fully breaking loose.


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