1967 年,四位 CIA 探員以拍攝紀錄片的名義,欲揭穿 NASA 阿波羅計畫,卻意外將自己一步步推向凶險的邊際。「阿波羅登月」被認為是美國最大的陰謀之一,不少人相信阿姆斯壯根本沒有踏上月球,導演以偽紀錄片形式讓觀眾親臨這段爭議歷史,更將正在拍《2001 太空漫遊》的庫柏力克也拉進陰謀論的說法裡。玩弄真實與虛構的界線,暗藏對冷戰時期的嘲諷。

1967: the height of the Cold War. The CIA suspects there is a Russian mole inside of NASA, sabotaging the Apollo program. They send two young agents on a mission to go undercover, posing as documentary filmmakers to capture NASA's race to the moon. The real mission - use their access and technology to hunt down the leak. But what they discover is far more shocking than soviet spies - Their government may be hiding a secret about Apollo that could define the decade, and the White House will stop at nothing to silence anyone who learns it.

Not interesting enough。如果是真的,那么这是一个纪录片,否则就是一个惊悚片。无法忍受这样的秀下限。

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