影片讲述患难与共的两个家庭因为一场有隐情的意外被迫疏远,他们在时代洪流下历尽伤痛与不安,人生起伏跌宕,最终选择面对真相,坦荡向前的故事。   年轻的刘耀军和沈英明两家人本是挚友,两家儿子沈浩和刘星在郊外嬉戏中,耀军的儿子刘星意外身亡,此事彻底改变了两家人的命运。刘家夫妇远赴南方。多年后,容颜已老的他们再次相聚,隐藏的真相终将因为年轻一代人的坦荡而揭开。岁月流逝,生命滚滚向前……

'We're waiting to grow old'. This sentence briefly sums up Yaoyun and his wife Liyun's bitter realization about their lives. They were once a happy family - until their son drowned playing by a reservoir. And so Yaojun and Liyun leave their home and plunge into the big city, although nobody knows them there and they cannot even understand the local dialect. Their adopted son Liu Xing does not offer them the comfort they had hoped for either. Defiantly rejecting his 'foreign' parents, he one day disappears altogether. The married couple are repeatedly enmeshed in their memories. Finally, they decide to return to the site of their lost hopes. In this family saga spanning three decades of Chinese history, the private and the political merge and the individual gets caught up in the gears of a society in the throes of constant change. Part melodrama, part critique of the times, this film takes us from the country's upheaval in the 1980s following the Cultural Revolution to the prospering ...

《地久天长》-- 关于电影,关于我们。《地久天长》:我们毫发无伤,友谊地久天长。(不是一篇评论)。剧本非常薄弱。地久天长:王小帅的改革开放四十年。被强制原谅和大团圆的“地久天长”。收起你那廉价的眼泪吧,这片需要你反思,而不是同情。。记忆幽浮的空房间。金羊观影团||旧日朋友岂能相忘,友谊地久天长。忏悔 道德重压以及良心的故事。

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