In the winter of 1950, 15,000 U.S. Soldiers and Marines were surrounded and trapped by an overwhelming force of communist Chinese soldiers in the frozen mountains of North Korea. Facing impossible odds, the men fought 78 miles to freedom and saved the lives of 98,000 civilian refugees. Chosin is the first-ever documentary on the Chosin Reservoir Campaign. Presented in full, immersive HD, the stories of our veterans are supplemented with rare black and white and color archival footage gathered from hundreds of hours of research. After 60 years of silence, the survivors of the campaign take us on an emotional and heart-pounding journey through one of the most savage battles in American history. These first-hand accounts, combined with footage never before seen by most Americans, create a visceral, emotionally charged experience unlike that provided by any other war documentary. As a fellow combat veteran, director Brian Iglesias forged a unique connection with the men he interviewed. ...

1950 他们正年轻。美国人就是矫情。披着民主外衣的美国:美国大兵?❌唯一投降跪下的软骨头军队⭕。披着民主外衣的美国:美国大兵?❌唯一投降跪下的软骨头军队⭕。对于一些观点,真要摊开来说一下。关于某些短评。虽然我到处点火,但是我反思战争。

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