一群饱食终日的青少年,随父母移居加拿大,无论在学业和生活习惯都不能融入社会,移民并不是他们的选择!他们变得自暴自弃,终日惹事生非,纵酒声色,试图向整个环境和制度挑战,宣泄内心的不满。Chris身边妞儿无数,但他每月要跟包租婆上床来清还租债。Mimi对父亲的抗拒与日俱增,矢言作出报复,以“性”挑战Uncle Tom来宣泄内心忿恨。Vivian疯狂地自我摧毁,竟不顾一切地重蹈Mimi的覆辙。三人走在一起,毅然踏上地狱不归路。

Rebellious teenage girl Mimi, in order to escape money trouble in Hong Kong, is forced to move in with her father in Canada. Her father treated her coldly. Mimi then proceeds to seduce her uncle as a measure of revenge. Mimi's half sister Vivian become friends, as the two live dangerously. Later both of the sisters fall for a street kid Oliver, causing a rift between the two.

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