黑帮猖獗的意大利,两位心存正义的新闻记者得到了一盘记录着政府官员与黑手党相勾结的录像带,为了让这些证据能够在电视台播出,他们一边要躲避黑帮的追杀,一边要防范电视台内部的敌人,连他们的妻女也不得不受胁迫,成为黑帮分子的玩物……他们最终能取得胜利吗? Mario Salieri的片子从来都是黑暗的,绝望的,他从不像美国片那样,塑造什么无敌的孤胆英雄(或者枭雄);他的风格更为写实,揭露的是在强大的国家机器或者黑势力(有时两者是统一的)的压迫下,作为弱势群体的老百姓,所能做的只是逆来顺受,或者同流合污成为其走狗——没有其他的出路。 有意思的是,导演Mario Salieri本人也客串了片中的角色:络腮胡子的电视主播就是他。

Deborah Wells is a mother and a respectable wife of Antonio, a chief of police. She uses her beautiful and sensual body to obey and content the mafia boss's request to have sex with Christ, one of his low-life trash assistants. She pleases him with every possible sexual positions, and finally gets caught by her daughter, Gabriella who had earlier had a sexual affair with this trash mafia. Each woman has a different story with the mafia. The mafia's boss (an old man) threatens the women and force them to have sex with homeless people, trashy men and criminals.


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