故事发生在遥远的未来,彼时,由于环境不断地遭到破坏,已经到了无法修复的地步,地球上的环境早已经不再适宜人类居住了。充满了毒性的突然令农作物无法种植,人类面临着严重的饥荒危机。艾洛尔(让-马克·巴尔 Jean-Marc Barr 饰)是受雇于高科技公司的科学家,肩负着制造种子的重 任。当他得知一个名为杰米尔(厄明•布拉沃 Ermin Bravo 饰)的遗传学家能够研究出健康的种子后,他决定跋山涉水的去找他。   前往杰米尔处的路程非常遥远,这趟旅途充满了艰险,一路上,艾洛尔遇见了数不清的危险和意外,屡次遭受生命的威胁,最终,他成功的找到了杰米尔,也明白了人类如今的境地实在自食其果。

This film was inspired by a chapter from the Quran. It is a post-apocalyptic story set in a world where those that survive, are divided between the remnants of cities and agricultural zones. Both of these factions are ruled by corporations and populated by elites. In the areas called Dead Lands, genetically incompatible immigrants suffer from drought and epidemics.


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