Freelance programmer Sakagami Keishi is paralyzed in the lower half of his body because of an unknown illness and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in partnership with the law firm established by his late father. At the request of clients, Sakagami works together with the freelance jack-of-all-trades Mashiba Yutaro to delete all unfavorable digital records left in their computers and smartphones after they die.

到第六集为止关于两男主故事的猜测。dele EP7阴暗面。终于有一部关于数字遗产的剧了(E01)。通灵少年的温柔纯善。看完第六集码的字“人要隐藏多少秘密才能过好这一生”。你的硬盘里,有没有想删的秘密?。去留人生之四 艰难的选择。谁不想要天下无贼的世界。温柔以对残忍。去留人生之七 人性的弱点。

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